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Last Updated October 21, 2001 12:30:47 PM


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Videogame Source : Sega Dreamcast

Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2



Sounds                     8.5
Replay                     6.0
Gameplay                   7.4
Overall                     5.8

Review by miffo

This review is basically an add-on to my PSO review, because PSO Ver. 2 is basically just an add-on to PSO. While I won't get into specific details about the game, here's a brief description of PSO for those that don't know: it's an online RPG that you can play with four other people across four areas. You can chat with the keyboard, and hang out in the lobbies, or play through the game. It lacked a deep storyline though, and the gameplay was very monotonous. Despite this, it remained one of the most popular online games and took 200 hours out of my life.

That being said, has much changed in this second coming? Not really. Is it worth buying anyway? It depends. The problem is that it's too similar, and too many things went wrong. Here's what it breaks down to:

Sega promised two new levels.
And two new levels we got, but not in the form I was hoping. The four main areas are all present and no new ones rest there. Instead, the new battle mode is the home for two battle-only arenas. While this doesn't add much to the main form of playing, battle is a nice attraction that lets you pit four players against each other, rather than using team work. There are many options to choose from, and hopefully battle will tide you over when you're bored.

One good thing about this is that the areas have had a makeover--while the layout is identical, some slight graphical changes have been made. This is only in Ultimate mode though, although the areas also look different in Challenge. Speaking of Challenge, it's a series of (duh) challenges that you can do to earn new rares. This is also a nifty new feature!

Sega promised level 200 characters.
And that we got. Once you reach level 80 you can play the next highest difficulty after Very Hard--Ultimate. And here you can level your character up to 200! The difficulty increases dramatically and you'll be in for the fight of your life. The fact that enemies run faster than you, and the plants spit Megid (a spell that kills in one hit) doesn't make things any easier. And with difficulty comes the reward of more experience, which is good because you'll need it.

The problem with allowing you to level to 200 is that most people never will get there. You'll need millions (and I do means millions) of EXP points to go up a single level, and that takes, in a word, forever. I got to level 105 before the boredom started to take effect, and I know that I will never get to 200. =(

And when I see level 200 people, I know they're cheaters which just annoys me more.

Sega promised a game without cheating.
PK, CK, BK...back in the days of PSO, they were all out to get you. People with a cheat device that wanted to mess up your character, and annoy you in general. Not to mention that every rare item had been cracked and duped to the point where absolutely nothing is rare. With the news that PSO Ver. 2 was to be cheat-free, I jumped in joy! Finally, they would do something to stop the mess.

Well, I was greatly disappointed when nothing is rare after a month. To those anticipating the US release: If you don't mind cheating, then great, but everything has been duped to death already. To me, the game is ruined and Sonic Team hasn't done enough to stop it. The online world is corrupt, and no longer fun to play.

And everything else...?
There are other features. There's the lobby soccer, which is completely lame and boring. And there's an option to change costumes--this is nice, but nothing special. Everything has been tweaked and gives you a few more options to help you out, but all in all, PSO Ver. 2 is the same game as PSO, with the same cheat-filled servers. For the diehard PSO fan, get this and have fun. And if you've never owned PSO, now is your chance to get it! But for me, it's too much of the same to fully enjoy it, so now I'm bored after only two months.

.:. miffo


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