Source : Message Boards |
The boards are the exact highlight of a
gamer's visit to a gaming site. You get to interact with tons of other gamers and
get their take on a game, or ask any question you want. Something is always new and
you even get to communicate with us gods who make up the site!!! Cool, eh?
Message Boards |
In Development |
The Videogame
Source message boards are currently under further construction
because of major updates and upgrades!! Expect them back
up and in full shape soon! |
Coming Soon!!! |
Rules and Regulations |
By participating on our message boards, you must agree to ALL
of the terms stated below: |
1. Creating an account |
EzBoards are used for VG Source, and you must create an account with them. By
using these boards, you must also agree to any rules EzBoards has, and any additional
questions specifically regarding the boards can be found here. Any offensive names will be banned from our boards. See Member Conduct
for more.
2. Member Conduct |
Flaming/Trolling is prohibited. A "flame" is a
direct insult towards another board users, and a "troll" is an attempt to
provoke other users to flame.
Censor bypass
is not allowed, however if you censor all but the first
letter of the word, you may post it. For example, if "pants" was a banned word,
you could not type anything like "pant$" or "p.ants", but
"p****" would be acceptable. All words are allowed except for words picked up by
the censor. If you type a banned word, it will automatically be turned into symbols (i.e.
$!%@) but if you bypass it, your message will be deleted and action against your account
may be taken.
Overly offensive and sexually explicit remarks are not allowed. The
moderators will determine what is appropriate.
- Posting links to sites that contain
offensive material without posting a warning is bad,
and your message will be deleted. Even if you do post a warning, it may still be deleted
if the site is too vulgar.
- Excessive posting of emoticons is not allowed as it slows down the boards and can be
distracting. Posting excessively large images may also be deleted due to the fact that it
creates long load times. If you are doing it too much, we will tell you, but if you
persist you are likely to be banned.
- Posting an offensive image on the boards is strictly prohibited and will be enforced. If
you post an image that is not tasteful, you are asking for your account to be banned. And
banned, it will be.
- If something belongs on another board it will be moved there.
- The moderators have the right to delete anything else that they think should be
Don't argue!!! If you have a question about a certain thing, ask on the
help board.
3. Moderation |
The boards are monitored by our moderators and messages against these rules can
and will be deleted by them.
The current moderators are: BillyKane, miff plus O,
and totalstuff.
As the board activity increases, more moderators may be needed. But this
is all for now.
Any messages that break the rules will be deleted, or in some cases,
edited to fit within the rules. If any user is consistently breaking the rules and they
may be banned from the boards.
4. User Levels |
Each user is given a different level, and they are
categorized like so:
Level |
Name |
Description |
999 |
The One |
The one and only
owner and creator of the boards... TsGamer (totalstuff) |
900 |
Admin |
Another admin
chosen by TsGamer. Only one administrator currently. |
800 |
Moderator |
Has the power to
delete and edit messages and topics. Lots of power. |
700 |
Staff Member |
Works for the
site, but doesn't manage the message boards. |
600 |
The Selected |
It is rare to be
one of these. Hand selected by the admin. Nothing special, cept for
some pretty cool braggin' rights. |
500 |
Master King |
Awesome user
with an ultimate 300 or more posts on the boards. |
400 |
Prince User |
Very cool user
with at least 200 posts on the message boards. |
300 |
Knight User |
Pretty common
message board member with at least 100 posts. |
200 |
Little Warrior |
Moving on up in
the ranks, currently has at least 50 messages. |
100 |
The Noobie |
Either a newbie
or doesn't particiapate much =P Has at least one post. |
0 |
Registered One |
Registered to
the boards but hasn't posted yet. |
Null |
Nobody |
Not registered,
a guest. |
Boards... |
are fun to read! |