Source : Nintendo GameCube |
Sure, it may look like a kid's toy by
Mattel, but this thing has more guts on the inside than you may think. Nintendo's next-gen
system comes out this November 18. Get ready.
Check out this very
thorough preview guide for everything about the Nintendo's GameCube. NEW
Nintendo GameCube |
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Future of Gaming: GameCube |
Of of the things we're anticipating the most hear at VG Source, in addition to the Xbox, is Nintendo's next-gen console,
GameCube. And to prepare, several previews have been added, including the launch games Rogue Leader, Luigi's Mansion, Wave Race, and Super Monkey Balls. |
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Expect reviews once the system is released this fall. |
Recent Guides: [Full List] |
Expect guides once the system is released this fall. |