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Videogame Source : Review Info

Ever wondered exactly how we review games? That's right you have, otherwise you wouldn't be here. So below is the standards we have in rating videogames reviews.

Review Info


How We Review Games

When reviewing games, our writers try to cover every aspect of the game that we can. The game is described to give you an idea of what it's like and the good/bad parts about it. Then a score is given to reflect how good overall the game is.
Here is what the different scores represent:

10 Must-Buy
There is no such thing as a perfect game. So we must emphasize that a 10 does not mean perfect. Rather, any game with a score of 10 is one of the best games in it's genre and truly takes that genre to new heights. A masterpiece.

9 Outstanding
A very, very fun or involving game will get a 9 or higher. These are games that deliver a remarkable experience and/or provide for many hours of fun gaming goodness. These games are also worth buying.

8 Great
These games are fun and, well, great games. A few flaws can bring the score down, but fans will love the game nonetheless.

7 Above Average
It excells beyond what you'd typically expect from a game in this particular genre. While there are better games out there, games ranging in the 7 zone are still noteworthy.

6 Okay
Games with a 6 are usually lacking in one or more areas, but still worth a few hours. Not recommended as a buy, but worth checking out if you're into the genre. It's good for the hardcore fan.

5 Average
Not good; not bad. There are better games out there, but it could be worse. Basically, a five is a very average game.

4 Lacking
Even if a game scores well in one or two areas, it just doesn't quite match up together and isn't the most enjoyable experience. Not recommended.

3 Not So Good
These games just don't play well and aren't very enjoyable. Perhaps if there's only one game like this and you absolutely must have it, it might be worthing getting. Might.

2 Bad
There are just too many flaws and it's simply not fun. Avoid.

1 Horse Manure
Complete and utter crap. Avoid at all costs!

Other things that can lower the score:
- Monotonous gameplay
- Rehased. If a game is too similar to another game in the series, the score will be brought down.
- Bad control. If you can't control the game, it just isn't fun.
- Too hard. A challenge is good, but if you can't get past the first part of the game then it gets ridiculous.

Note: In addition to the overall score, each feature of the game (graphics, gameplay, sound, replay) will receive their own decimal score based on how good they are.

Although each game's score is based approximately on how well the game plays out, read the actual review because it may or may not be better or worse than the impression you get from the actual score.

If you have a problem with a particular review, you can email the author to the address on his or her bio page, or send a general email to


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