Sega has been king of the online console
market simply because the Dreamcast has been the only console with online play thus far.
(with the exception of Tony Hawk 3 for PS2) Not only that, but they're known for actually
having good online games over a 56K connection. And most importantly, the gaming has remained free. PSO Ver. 2 broke that
in the US with their pay-to-play system, but everything else was free. Until now. There is now a charge in order to
help Sega maintain the servers - but why now when few play anymore?
As of today, there is a fee to play Dreamcast games
online. The cost is $10 for three months. This does not include PSO or PSO v2,
although you still must buy the Hunters License for PSO v2.
Some games are still free, while others have already begun to charge.
This list is subject to change, but we can confirm that:
You must pay for:
Ooga Booga*
World Series Baseball 2K2
These are still free:
Quake III: Arena
Unreal Tournament
Alien Front Online
Worms World Party
As for the other games, we have not been able to test
them. Check back for more information, and the free games may follow suit and be
pay-to-play soon. We don't know...
* "Use of the Ooga Booga network server is
free." is printed in the Ooga Booga manual. LAWSUIT! It's possible that Sega will get
slammed for false advertising. We just hope nothing too extreme happens. |