This game is better than hamburgers
Yes, this game is better than
hamburgers. Many hamburgers even. Hamburgers smothered in good
hamburgery sauce, with delectable burger toppings, and even a
side of fries. This choice cut piece of code encompasses all
food stuffs, condiments, and beverages... well maybe not
pizza... but still, it's better than a LOT of food. ''Food can't
judge a game!'' you say? Why yes it can, when a game is this
good, you can even judge it by food. I can't say it makes sense,
but that doesn't matter, it's my review, and I can judge
whatever I want by food, and I will. What does matter, is that
this game ownz j00. Not just owns you, but OwNz j00! Now sit
down and start readin' so you can learn just why you too need a
bite o' this pie!
'We'll give you cookies if you win this grueling, life
threatening tournament!' 'Really?! Sign me up!'
I'll assume that if you're reading this to help you decide to
import the game or not, that you know this is a 2D fighter. I'll
also assume you know Capcom is making this game (I mean come on,
it is Capcom vs. SNK). Anyway, if you know anything about
Capcom, you know their stories are rarely better than a Britney
Spears song, and let me assure you, this game is no exception.
The story simply says that Robert and Ken (two of the fighters
in the game, you probably know them) sponsor a tournament, and
any fighter willing to risk their life to enter has the chance
to win, say, a box of chocolates. Or something. Not too
ingenious on Capcom's part, considering what they could've done
with all these characters. Then again, that's one mighty
expensive box of chocolates.
Balance is like a fine whine, it.... ah screw it
First thing's first. Capcom vs. SNK, as many of you remember,
was a good, but limited effort. The CvS games rely on a system
called ''grooves'' to let you choose the style you want to play
as. Each groove lets you play a different style, from a
different game, each with different technicalities and each with
different strategic moves (dash, dodge, air-guard, safe fall,
ect). The groove system in CvS was really limited, and that's
only one of the things CvS2 improves upon completely. This game,
seriously, gives you the ability to play the style of almost ANY
2D fighter there is. Right from the beginning you're given 6
grooves to choose from -called C, A, P, S, N, and K, each letter
representing a different style- all of which represent a
different fighter from Capcom and SNK (Street Fighter Alpha,
King of Fighters, ect).
Right there you've got plenty of depth to work with. But what
may be the game's most ingenious addition -the groove edit mode-
lets you customize your own grooves to your personal taste! The
groove edit mode can be unlocked a few different ways, and once
you've got it, you can literally make the style from ANY 2D
fighter. Wanna play like Real Bout? You can do that! Guilty Gear
X? You got it! Last Blade? Sure! Mortal Kombat?... erm.. sorry
'bout that one. Anyway, the catch here, is where the game's real
replay value comes from. In order to use the groove edit mode's
different options (and there are loads!) you must have enough
groove points to ''purchase'' them, so to speak. And to get
groove points, you've gotta FIGHT! And fight! And fight some
more! And once you think you've fought all you can fight, you've
gotta get back up, and.... eat some cake... then fight some
Next, another very important feature that was extremely
neglected and unbalanced in the first episode -the ratio system.
The ratio system was intended to make gameplay more varied, but
since all of the characters had pre-set ratio points (each
character could be from ratio 1 to 4, the higher the stronger),
making teams was really more a matter of what you're given,
instead of what you can do (if that makes sense). In the sequel,
all of this is remedied however, because now you have the option
of dividing a set number of ratio points between your team. It
works like this; after you pick your team, you're given 4 points
to divide throughout your team, so if you pick 2 people, you can
give them both 2 points, or you can give one 3 points and the
other 1 point. Likewise, if you pick a single player, he's a 4
ratio, and if you pick 3 players you get two ratio 1s and one
ratio 2. It sounds somewhat complicated, but in practice it's
easy as pie. Finally, if you don't like playing with the ratio
system, you've always got the option to play 1 on 1 ala Street
Fighter or 3 on 3, like King of Fighters.
The amazing thing about the groove and ratio systems though, is
how incredibly balanced they are. I mean, that's really one of
the main reasons CvS went from an awesome game at onset, to a
mediocre game once you dug into it. Capcom really learned their
lesson this time, and the improved upon everything superbly.
(I'm sure that violent spanking I administered upon them had
something to do with it) This game is sure to go down as one of
the best games ever for arcade play, as it's extremely balanced,
and extremely fun, and combined, that's a beautiful thing (sorry
if that sounded a little too much like an Olive Garden
Oh, and before I forget, I should talk a little on the other two
modes, Survival and Training. I don't think I need to be too
detailed here, because most of us have seen these modes many a
time before. Survival, is basically, taking a single fighter and
seeing how many guys you can have your way with before you fail
to perform once. Um... please don't read that last sentence too
deeply. Training mode is well... training mode. You select your
fighter and various other options, then you face off against an
opponent of choice to try to better learn your moves. You can
set the opponent's CPU level to do a multitude of different
tasks in repetition so you can keep practicing with one move, or
you can just have him idle so you can pummel him however you
choose. Neither mode is going to save a game, but without them
they can really hurt a game. They're really just icing on the
cake for vets though.
Caution! Dreamcast D-Pad may sever thumbs, rob old ladies,
and take candy from babies
Let's get one thing straight pertaining to 2D fighters. You hate
the Dreamcast D-Pad. I hate the Dreamcast D-Pad. The Dreamcast
hates the Dreamcast D-Pad. We agree, right? Okay, now that
that's behind us, I think it's safe to say that if you play with
such fighters like Geese or Zangief, you're going to have some
trouble with the control. Quarter-circle combos aren't too hard
with the DC D-Pad, but half circles and full circles (!!) are
really a pain. That's not too mention the analogue L and R
buttons, which make hard punching and kicking even more
Since people who buy this game for DC are importing it though, I
think many of you know of the ASCII pads and sticks, which
really more than make up the control issues. If you don't know
of them, I suggest you do some research fast, because these
things are extremely useful, but will likely become very rare
soon. As a matter of fact, ASCII actually made special versions
of their ASCII pads just for Capcom vs. SNK 1 and 2 (no
difference from the normal pads except colors though).
Personally, I use a Total Control 3 Plus, it's an adaptor that
lets you use your Sega Saturn controllers with your Dreamcast.
It's very nice, to say the least. Anyway, this category varies.
If you own an ASCII pad/stick, or something of the like, you
should have no problems. However, if you're stuck using the DC
controller, you may not get the full enjoyment out of things.
Are those giant samurai balloons fighting in the background?!
Do you like 2D graphics? If you've read this far, I assume so. I
just want to know, because it's kind of hard for me to rate a
game's graphics on 2D games. See, for me, when I think of 2D and
3D, I think of them as two separate things. So when I comment on
a 2D game, I compare it to other 2D games, likewise with 3D
games. It's just really hard to compare two things that are
really so different. That's why I ask if you like 2D graphics or
not, because if you do, then I can compare and you'll have an
idea of what I'm talking about, if not, well, you probably
wouldn't like this game ;)
Anyway, the graphics in the game, are simply gorgeous. You can
easily tell that the game is designed for the Naomi arcade
board. A lot of the actual fighting takes advantage of Naomi's
3D effects, for example, every time you hit your opponent, a
beautiful little power shock type thing happens (think Tekken).
Also, moves that set the opponent on fire, such as Ken's dragon
punch and Iori's money shot take advantage of the Naomi for
great effect. The menus and backgrounds are also all rendered in
beautiful, clear, smooth, aliased, Naomi 3D (I should make adult
novels, eh?). Speaking of the backgrounds, there are really some
great ones here. They range from the tops of sky scrapers with
helicopters in the background, scenic hillsides with windmills
rotating, a beautiful Chinese castle top where rain comes down
in buckets, even a stadium filled with onlookers. And yes, there
is a level with huge fighting samurai balloons in the
Now on to the actual fighters. On the SNK side of things, most
of these fighters have never looked better (aside from the few
in Garou: Mark of the Wolves, like Rock Howard). Most have been
redrawn for this game (or in the original CvS), and have added
animations (the SNK characters now have a medium punch and
kick). Now on the Capcom side, most of them are still great, but
they REALLY should've given Zangief and Morrigan new
sprites. I mean when you play against Morrigan and you're, say,
Haohmaru, it kind of looks a little weird. It's not bad, but
it's a little distracting.
The roster of this game though is really phenomenal. The only
fighter I can really think of that packs more characters than
this game is Marvel vs. Capcom 2, which I doubt will be
dethroned for quite a while. This game takes many of the star
characters from most of Capcom and SNK's titles, with characters
representing from Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Mark of the
Wolves, Darkstalkers, Last Blade, Samurai Showdown, and Final
Fight. They really chose some oddballs for the new fighters
though. I mean they put in Dan and Joe from CvS Pro, and added
some really good characters like Haohmaru, Rock Howard, Kyosuke,
and Hibiki, but also added some fighters that NOBODY remembers
such as Maki and Eagle. They left out a few that would've really
been nice though and rightfully should've mad appearances, like
Andy Bogard and Billy Kane for example. However, this game still
packs 40+ characters, and STILL manages to keep everything very
balanced, so it deserves mucho credit for that.
''I'm going to bug you until you throw your DC out the
window. Yes I am, you can't stop me. Blah blah blah blah blah.
See? I can do this all day!''
Yes, that's what the announcer in this game sounds like. He
will talk your ear off! And Capcom PAID him to do it! Those
Japanese really are lucky they can't understand him (he talks in
English). Have you heard the Street Fighter Alpha 3 announcer?
Well prepare for him, with DOUBLE the talk. I mean he talks the
whole time while when you start up, while you're picking a
fighter, when you do a super, when you pick a groove... He just
LOVES to talk. If you've ever talked to an old lady, it's like
that. I will say one thing though, his voice is a lot less
irritating than the SFA3 announcer, even though he talks twice
as much. It's bearable, but it certainly isn't good.
The actual sound effects here are very very good. The graphics
and sound really work together well when you hit your opponent.
More so than any other fighter I've ever seen does the sound
effects combine with the on screen action so well that each hit
looks so powerful. I'm not talking MvC2 super duper Power Ranger
stuff, I saying the actual punches and kicks make it look and
sound like you're really beating the crap out of the unfortunate
individual on the other end. The music is also very well done.
From slower, more atmospheric tones akin to SNK, to the
generally up-beat tunes of Capcom. The BMGs fit each level very
well, and fit the menus excellent too.
Groovalishious Arcadious
No game lasts forever right? Well, we'll pretend Tetris isn't a
game just so I'm not an idiot ok? Anyway, this game won't last
forever sure, but provided you have some friends that like 2D
fighters or an arcade you like to go to, you're going be playing
this sucker for a long time to come. As I said before, this has
to be one of the most perfect arcade games ever. Everything is
meticulously balanced, and combined with the huge amounts of
gameplay options, that spells G-O-O-D. Other than multi-player
and playing at the arcade however, this game will still keep you
playing. There are only a few unlockables, but after you unlock
to two secret characters (who really aren't very secret) and the
Groove Edit mode, you can still play to earn more and more
groove points. The game really is just so much fun that you'll
probably play long after you've done everything possible (which
is the true test of a 2D fighter).
Story: 0.9/10 Hamburgers
Gameplay: 9.8/10 Hamburgers
Control: 6.9/10 Hamburgers (9.1 with ASCII Pad)
Graphics: 9.2/10 Hamburgers
Sound: 9.1/10 Hamburgers
Replay: 9.0/10 Hamburgers
Final Verdict: Gigantor, triple patty, pickles, lettuce,
tomato, special sauce and sesame seed bun hamburger.
.:. Andy787 |