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Last Updated October 21, 2001 01:13:46 AM


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Videogame Source : Sega Dreamcast

Capcom vs. SNK



Sounds 6.9
Replay 8.6
Gameplay 7.3
Overall 6.7

Review by BillyKane

The warm-up of the millennium

So, if I understand well, two worlds finally collide, right? There was an agreement between Capcom and SNK, the two best 2d fighters companies by far, to create the ultimate game that would feed the generations to come and make all gamers live happily together ever after? Nice idea. But keep in mind that SNK's direct contribution was not more than a few character select screen faces and some artwork. The game, contrary to the Neogeo Pocket version -which was named SNK versus Capcom- was entirely made by Capcom. Come on, we're talking about Capcom here! They are the guys who made more than 15 sequels to Street Fighter, they are the guys behind the Megaman and Resident Evil franchise! They are the ultimate masters of cow-milking, and the worst thing is that people (including me) are still buying their products! Were you expecting a real millennium battle between the best of SNK's fighters and the best of Capcom's fighters to decide who is the strongest -I am only paraphrasing the wonderful intro of this game here-? If you really were, then you might end up being disappointed. Not that the game is necessarily bad, actually it is far from it, but it could have been so much more in my opinion...

I am a sincere SNK and Capcom fan. Yes, we are a dying breed, but there are still some of us around this planet. I love King Of fighters, Street Fighter, Samurai Showdown, Darkstalkers, Last Blade, Rival Schools, Fatal Fury, Star Gladiator, Art Of Fighting and the versus series even though I am totally aware that some of them were not perfect. Was this game supposed to end the ridiculous battle that has been going on for years between the two companies and their fans? From what I hear, it only made things worse: no party was truly happy with the game. How did this game lead to so much controversy? Well, there are a few things that many people did not like, and considering how hyped up this title had been, there has been a clash. No, not the "clash of heroes", another one that I will describe more accurately in the rest of my review. This game came out a while ago, and there are already a bunch of reviews for it on this site, which is why I will take the freedom to change my reviewing format for once.

What is there to like in this game?

That is a toughie... Just kidding. Even though I am sure that you can already feel where this review is getting at, I will try to stay as fair as possible. Despite what I have been mentioning earlier, this game has a circle of followers, and it does not mean that all of them do not know anything about fighting games. There obviously are good things about this game, and this is why it was popular in my opinion.


This game looks pretty good, actually. I have to admit that the SNK characters have never looked that good and that Capcom did a great job at "re-designing" them. Terry looks more baddass than ever, for instance, and I think that this is the way he should always have looked in the Fatal Fury series -even though I like his older Garou:MOTW look- and in KOF. Vice, Nakoruru, Rugal, Geese, Benimaru, they all look great, and they have kick-ass animation. Even though Kyo looks a bit young, and my French girl King looks like she is anorexic, I have to admit that the developers did an extremely good job. They also redrew Ryu, Ken and Bison and gave them original animation: they look a lot more like their Street Fighter 2 version now.

I also have to say that the backgrounds are simply fabulous. They look very good -I think that they are in high-resolution- and are very creative (the Sakazaki dojo is my personal favorite, I liked how you can destroy it, it almost made me forget that Takuma was not in the game...). Other great backgrounds include: an arcade on a rainy day, a busy street of a Japanese shopping area, the Pao-pao café, Sagat's original SF2 stage and a dark street corner with a very impressive use of shadows! These backgrounds are probably the best I have EVER seen in a 2d fighter.


The idea behind the game was pure genius. I remember thinking about it many years ago, and when my goofy and gullible friend would come over and talk about "What if..." I would just tell him "Man, you watch too much tv. There's no way the two companies would work together: they actually hate each other!" Yeah, I was wrong, I know. If you are reading this buddy, I am sincerely sorry.

Yeah right.

But I have to give both Capcom and SNK props for making this game possible. Most companies would just have ignored each other, and not listened to the fans. But these are not your usual companies.

Capcom versus SNK feels old-school. Very old-school, that is. Actually, the versions of the characters and the engine in general made me feel like I was playing "KOF 94 vs Super SF2". That is not a bad thing in itself when you think about it: it means this game is about skill and clean hits. You will need strategy to win most of your fights and I cannot stress more on the fact that this is actually a good aspect of this game, and probably what made it popular as opposed to Marvel vs Capcom 2 (which is unfairly perceived by most people as a button-masher's dream).

The ratio system is probably not as bad as some people make it sound like. When you choose your team you are allowed 4 points and you need to decide whether you want a team of 4 ratio 1 characters -who in theory are weaker-, a team of two ratio 2 characters -who are usually well-rounded in terms of damage and stamina-, a team of a ratio 3 character -who are stronger- and a ratio 1 character, or a team of a ratio 2 character and two ratio 1 characters. Are you lost yet? It is very innovative in the sense that it gives a new dimension to teams and makes boss characters and all ratio 3 characters appear as powerful.


The music in this game is not bad, if you like techno. It is actually better than the music of most fighters. It gets you hyped up for the battle, and all the tracks are very fast and catchy. You can even unlock the original tunes of some fighters in the secret shop mode.


Once thing I would like to mention is the introduction of special pre-fight intros. This idea has been taken from the KOF series, and I really like it. Some of them are story-related (Vice/Rugal, Yuri/Ryo, Terry/Yamazaki...) and some of them come straight from the developer's imagination (Chun-Li/Mai, Ryo/Ryu...). Either way, they are all entertaining.

replay value

There are tons of extras to unlock, such as three hidden characters, a few stages, and a handful of options. I particularly like the ratio edit and the run option. There are enough characters to master to keep you busy for a long time, especially if you are not familiar with the SNK characters yet. The arcade mode is not very hard, even on the hardest difficulty settings. If you can find people who enjoy the game, the replay value of CvS is almost infinite.

What is there not to like about the game?

I'm sure you saw that coming... As I said before, CvS is a majorly flawed game, and this is one reason why it is so controversial. The people who can play it past these flaws are probably enjoying it a lot. But I personally cannot. I think it cannot stand the comparison with the best 2d fighter on Dreamcast. Why? Here you go...


Even though the backgrounds are great, and some of the characters look pretty good, there are still major graphical flaws in this game, I think. The most obvious one, and at the same time the most annoying one is probably the use of recycled Alpha sprites. That is where Capcom's laziness comes into play, once again. They could have redrawn all the characters, and given them new animation, but no... They had to make us fans wait for so long for basically nothing. I mean, if I want to play Alpha vs KOF, I can just download Mugen* and create my own fighting game, right? The Alpha 3 characters all look extremely outdated, especially Chun-Li and Sagat, who looks like he was taken straight from a Simpson's episode. This is even worse in the case of Morrigan's sprite: it was directly ripped from another game, and it has a disgraceful outline and looks pixilated. This is a horrible, horrible work from Capcom.


There are so many things I do not like in CvS' gameplay that I do not know where to begin. First off, I have to tell you that Capcom decided to split the character's moves (mainly the SNK character, probably for the sake of character balance) in two and to create EX characters who sometimes are almost the same as the normal characters, but sometimes they play very differently.

Message for Capcom: No one cares about these damn EX characters. Give us playable characters with their whole set of moves. Doing that is not only weak, but it is also showing that you were too lazy -once again- to balance the character's moves. No more EX characters, okay?

My next gripe is about the character selection, especially the SNK side. SNK has too many great characters so Capcom could not fit them all into this game. I would buy that. But then, get rid of the weirdos at least! What the hell is Raiden doing in this game? Same for Nakoruru? Even though she is cool, she totally breaks the game's balance. Where are the Ikari Warriors, especially Leona? Not to mention that this game feels more like SF vs KOF than Capcom vs SNK... Talk about a misleading title.

The other things I do not like about this game are related to the engine. While I realize that this game is not supposed to be KOF or SF, but a new kind of game, I cannot understand some of Capcom's decisions, such as:

_Only roll forward: this is just stupid. It opens a whole new world or game-breaking "roll n' throw" strategies and it kills the roll's original main purpose: to run away. If you are going to use a KOF feature to make the SNK fans happy, at least get it right.

_No proper "counter" system: this, in my opinion, is a step backwards by today's standards. What I mean is that there is no new feature to master, such as parries or Alpha counters. I personally think that this game really needed one. I was glad to see that its sequel will have several.

_The Ratio system: get rid of it. The idea sounds nice but it does not work in reality. Some ratio 1 characters are just too strong (King, Blanka), and the same goes for a few ratio 2 characters (Guile, Ryu, Nakoruru). My advice to Capcom would be to balance the game and make it a 3-character-team battle game. But then again, why would they listen to me?

_Least but not last, the 4-button layout: this is one of the aspects of this game that definitely turned me off. All the characters only have 4 buttons now. While this makes sense for the SNK characters, who always had only 4 attack buttons, it totally butchers the Capcom characters, and makes it impossible to see who from the Capcom players or the SNK players are the best. And wasn't this supposed to be the reason for this game? This layout was inaugurated with MvC2, and I thought it worked wonders on a combo game like that. But simplifying an engine and making it "old-school" are two things that usually do not go well together.


I have to say that I was extremely disappointed with the original tunes. I loved the idea -come on, you remember Ryu and Kyo's themes, right?- but the remixes are just downright trash and it was a painful experience for my ears. After 40 minutes, I put the default music back on.

Some of the digit voices are of poor quality, too. Guile sounds like he has a heavy French accent -I know what I'm talking about- and sometimes it is hard to understand what he says. Other funny digits include Terry's hilarious "Rising Taco!" (=Rising Tackle). Why don't they hire people who know how to speak English for once?


Well, it is very simple, this game had no story. Is this a tournament or something? I guess it is, judging by the ending, but there is no story mode contrary to most SNK games. And what's worse, there are only two generic endings. Capcom already did the same thing with Marvel vs Capcom 2. Am I the only one who hates this new trend?

replay value

The game has enough characters to keep you playing for months, if you like it. However, I stopped playing it after one month, if I remember right. Playing through the arcade mode an insane number of times -especially in the Japanese version in which you only earn a handful of extra points for beating the last boss- to unlock a few secrets that pale in comparison to MvC2 is not my definition of fun. But what really turned me off is how broken the game is, in my opinion. It is extremely unbalanced (CvS tourneys are boring) and full of various glitches.

Now you are the judge. Do you think that the qualities of this game make up for its flaws? Do you think that it is a disgrace to the names of both companies? I personally think that the Neogeo Pocket version, which was made by SNK, was a lot better. But does that really mean anything since that game is one of my favorite games of all time? Yes, to an extent. Capcom should be ashamed of seeing what SNK did with a 16-bit handheld cartridge. Besides, I think that there are much better 2d fighters on Dreamcast right now: if you want Street Fighter, get Third Strike or (ugh) Alpha 3. If you want King Of Fighters, get KOF99DreamMatch or KOF99Evolution. If you really want a CvS title, then wait for CvS2. Do not get CvSPro unless you played CvS and really liked it because it is nothing but the aforementioned game with Dan Hibiki, Joe Higashi and a few gameplay tweaks.

There is a reason why I consider this game as "the warm-up of the century". It is because the real fight is coming. Capcom vs SNK 2 looks a lot more like the dream match we were all waiting for, with a more complete gameplay and a better character selection. But mind you: this is Capcom. We might get disappointed again: actually, there will probably be a CvS3 in the years to come. This game is going to be the first of a long series, and as always Capcom messed up with the first try. Let us hope they will redeem themselves with the next one.

*Mugen: a freeware program available on the internet that lets you use character from existing games or original characters and create your own game on your computer. It is needless to say that this is an illegal operation since the sprites are ripped from actual games without the permission of the companies. That is the reason why I do not really recommend the use of this program.


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