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Last UpdatedOctober 30, 2001 06:09:22 PM


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Videogame Source : Nintendo GameCube

Oddworld: Munch's Oddesey

Platform: Microsoft Xbox
November 15, 2001

Publisher: Microsoft
Oddworld Inhabitants

ESRB: Teen

Review by bizzarro

Well as I was walking through the mall, I noticed a huge X-Box demo running. Now, I had seen the controller demo a few weeks before, but this was the first time that the store had ever had an X-Box development kit running. Inside of it, they had some kind of X-Box demo disk running in it. The only playable demo was a little game called Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (perhaps you've heard of it?) An interesting fact about this game is that it is an X-Box exclusive, but was orinally scheduled to be a PS2 exclusive.

To begin with, the graphics in this game are freaking phenomenal. Seriously, there really isn't any other way to say it. The character motions, the water effects, the lighting... everything about this game screams "BUY ME!!!" Personally, I'm not even looking foward to the X-Box (I seriously don't like the controller nor the company that makes it). But all of that aside, for those of you that ARE planning to purchase an X-Box, you may want to put this high on your list.

The gameplay is a good deal differen from the other Oddworld games. This time around, (at least in the demo) you were required to pick up some weird, green mushroomy thingies. Also, Abe is not the only character that you can play as! There's a new character (I did not catch his name unfortunately that you must switch between with Abe to beat a level.

Now, I obviously did not play a final edition of the game, so I can't really comment too much on the controls. However, the characters moved quite smoothly, using the analog stick on the left. The D-Pad rotates the camera, and the right stick did nothing. The white button on the face centered the camera, and the black button on the face switched between characters. The trigger buttons on the back did SOMETHING, but I wasn't able to find out what in the demo.

As far as sound, like story, I'm not able to comment a whole lot on. However, the sound seems to be fairly good. Explosions and voices are all nicely intact and come on cue very accurately. I wasn't able to get any drift of the story at all (it's a demo, remember?)

However, there were a few problems with this demo. One was that when you fell onto mines or something like that, there was a split-second lag before Abe blew about 25 feet into the air. Also, whoever has said that the X-Box's load times wouldn't be noticeable is dead wrong. This demo took about a minute and a half to start loading. Although, there wasn't much time loading in-game, mind you. Overall, this demo played quite smoothly and it's shaping up to possibly be a must-own title for all of you X-Box worshippers out there.

.:. bizzarro - October 30, 2001


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