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Videogame Source : GameBoy Advance

Final Fight One



Sounds 6.2
Replay 6.8
Gameplay 8.2
Overall 7.2

Review by Andy787

Like to beat people up? Are you the kind of guy that likes to walk around your neighborhood, randomly beating the unholy crap out of people for no good reason? Well I don't know about you, but I sure am! When I heard there was a video game that simulated this great American past time, and let you walk around, doing what I enjoy doing for no good reason -beating random people up- I immediately proclaimed this to be the game that could beat up all games. That was the '90s, when this game was originally released. Now, back to the... '00s... I've grown up now (being a massive 16 years of age), and so have my tastes. So now that my daily walk through town to beat up random passers by has come to a halt (thought I've been know to go out for a midnight beating every now and then), does this game still stand tall, after being remade for Gameboy Advance? Or has its beat-up-atude gone to '80s action movie/beat 'em up heaven (if there's a doggie heaven there's certainly a heaven for '80s B movies) ? Well why don't you read on to find out, young kimosabi...

Kidnapping Daughters makes Haggar FIGHTIN' MAD!!

Put simply, this story is perfectly scripted and brilliantly written!.... If you happen to be a sweaty, hulking, 300lb man of a man. I'm not quite up to those standards myself, so I, like most people, will have to say the story to this game is complete poo. Such poo in fact, that it soon becomes incredibly hilarious! In a nut shell, the story tells you that Haggar, Mayor of Metro City (yes, a sweaty, hulking, 300lb man is the Mayor of this fictitious New York of a city) proclaims he will rid the city of it's rampant crime if he is put in office. Well guess who doesn't take kindly to this proclamation? MAD GEAR, that's who! Who's Mad Gear you say? They're the FIGHTIN'EST gang in Metro City! So just to show Haggar how much they don't like what he proposes to do, Mad Gear devises the most devious of plans... something nobody would EVER fathom... something so despicable and well thought out...yes...they would.... KIDNAP HAGGAR'S DAUGHTER!!! Brilliant! The geniuses that run this gang that is Mad Gear should be thrown away for life, for if their minds got into the wrong hands, oh I fear what these enlightened ones could come up with. Well, that's all folks. Seriously. After Haggar finds out his daughter is missing... he goes after them, to beat up each and every one of them, single handedly. Really. Not the brightest fellow that Haggar, either.

*punch punch punch KICK* GO! GO! GO!

Well if you've got the gist of the review thus far, you've probably figured out this is a beat-em-up eh? So then, what does this beat-em-up have that makes any different from the dozens of others out there? Well... it's FIGHTIN' FUN!!! Sure, other beat-em-ups are enjoyable, maybe even very fun, but how many can you say are FIGHTIN' FUN?! Not many, that's how many! Anyway, enough of my poking fun at the game's rather bizarre way of putting itself over, let's find out just why this game is so.... FIGHTIN' FUN!

First of all, there's three characters to choose from, Mike Haggar (the big brute Mayor of Metro City, where the game takes place), Cody (Hagger's daughter's boy friend, also a character in Street Fighter Alpha), and Guy (a random ninja thrown in for good measure [this was in the early '90s remember, it was always good to have a ninja in your game then], also a character in the Street Fighter Alpha games). Each character plays quite a bit differently, but they all have the same basic abilities. For example, each character has the same basic set of combos and attacks (ranging from basic punch, punch, punch, kick combos, to jumping kicks, specials, and the like), but their speed of doing so, power of the moves, and number of hits in a combo are different for each character. It's pretty balanced, Guy being the weakest, but fastest character, Haggar being the strongest (duh), but slowest, and Cody being a good in-between character, with medium speed and power.

There's 6 levels to play through (or play your favorites with the level select after unlocking it), each consisting of a half dozen or so ''areas''. Yes, 6 levels may not seem like much, but don't expect to beat this game easily on anything higher than normal difficulty, this game can be TOUGH. And definitely don't expect to beat it without having unlocked a good deal of the games secrets.

Gameplay basically consists of traveling from each level, beating the crap out of a screen full of enemies, then following the good ol' ''GO! GO! GO!'' to the next screen of enemies waiting to have their collective crap kicked out of them. I mean seriously, you can go through a good 400-500 enemies a play, these suckers just WANT to be manhandled and thrown about. Sure, the gameplay isn't extremely dynamic, but hey, this IS ''beat people up'' simulator, that's worth something! It's also extremely fun, and that's what matters most, no?

The Ninja Turtles meets the mullet

Well that's the best I can describe the style of this game. It's like a cliche '80s action movie. The cheesy punch-line script, the hard hitting action, and of course, the mullet induced, neo punk stylized look.

The main characters all look fairly reminiscent of heroes you might find in a current day game, just a little cheesier. The enemies on the other hand, look from the overly funky, to the down right stupid, ranging from punks in trench coats with mohawks, to giant sized he-men with disco tailored studs and a fro! The animation is also pretty good, but not great. It seems there just isn't enough animation, moves start and finish without seeming to have animations in between. It does make the moves appear fast I must say, which is a good thing, it just seems strange :P Another very peculiar thing to note is how each character walks... man do they walk weird! Cody and Guy seem to have the tough guy arm-over-arm, straight-faced walk to them, while Haggar is just another animal all together. Hagger, for some reason, seems to walk hunch-backed, arms wide, taking baby steps while his legs move seemingly unattached to his waist, all while looking like he's holding in the hugest poo he will ever have. Not one of the coolest looking things, but it sure is funny!

The levels are also done fairly nicely. Fighting on top of skyscrapers and in gambling establishments are always good fun. However, some of the levels seem stagnant and a little boring, just because nothing seems to move besides the characters and enemies.


Well I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of bleeps and blips for Gameboy Advance games. I mean stuff like Klonoa, Mario Kart, Advance Wars and Rayman have really shown that this little system is capable of some really excellent tunes. I mean bleeps and blips aren't entirely bad when it's done well, which isn't exactly the case in FFO. Sure, it's decent, but it really shows its age. There are a few good, catchy tunes, but most of it is pretty bland.

The sound effects on the other hand, are done quite well in my opinion. Each punch and kick sounds nice and raunchy, and gives a good ''ass beating'' feeling. Combos are also followed by a nice little speech blip, your typical ''HA!!!!'' or ''GUUAAAAAR!!!'' fare, but this being on the Gameboy Advance makes it a little cooler. All together, the sound isn't helping the game much, if only the sound effects.

Beating heads in with steal poles is FUN!

Well, granted, this game isn't overflowing with secrets to be found, but what this game really makes up in is fun factor. C'mon, everyone knows there's nothin' funner than beating the tar out of hapless punks, disemboweling them from the neck down, utterly disfiguring them and ruining hundreds of poor kid's futures! That's where this game makes its replay value -it's just really fun to play, much like say, Crazy Taxi, a good fighter, or any self respecting shooter. It's just a quality that will make you want to come back every so often, bust some heads, and put it down 'till the next time you feel like taking out the trash.

That's not to say there aren't any unlockables though. Don't worry, the effort and time you put into knocking people's blocks off doesn't go unrewarded. Among the rewards packed in this little cart is a level select, outfit select (which include the Street Fighter Alpha versions of Cody and Guy -VERY cool), extra continues, and best of all, a rapid punch feature, which makes beatings even easier to administer! How do you unlock such things you say? By beating people senseless -how else?! The more people you beat up, the higher your ''beated up people'' counter goes, and each secret is unlocked at a certain number of asses kicked, the most being 2000. The secrets wont last you the length of the game, but even after you've unlocked everything, the game is still fun -bottom line..

The Breakdown
Story: 6.2
Graphics: 7.1
Sound: 6.2
Replay: 6.8
Fun Factor: 9.0
Final: 7.2

.:. Andy787


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