"Hey Nintendo, what's up with Metroid?" "You'll see at Spaceworld."
"Is there going to be a new Mario game?"
"Find out at Spaceworld!"
"Any new info on the Zelda game?"
"Wait for Spaceworld..."
And wait we did. Nintendo had been hiding most of their juicy stuff for
their own trade show, Spaceworld, in Tokyo. And with such a weak E3 showing, it's good
that we were finally able to see what Nintendo has been up to. But not everything was what
we were expecting: A three-week delay of the console, a price raise in the control, and a
completely new look to The Legend of Zelda.
Are you ready to meet the new Link?

Hello there...Link. Or is it?
"Hey, that's not Link, that's Parappa the Rapper!"
No, that is Link and this is how the new Zelda game will
look. What was Miyamoto smoking? Nothing at all, really. He simply wanted to take on a new
style so it's not too much like the N64 games, which featured a dark and more realistic

And what about that trailer Nintendo showed at E3? It was simply a video
they made to show that there is a new Zelda game coming. While no one was happy when they
first saw it, people have calmed down. Just wait to see how it plays before judging it -
let's hope it turns out to the best Zelda game yet! There is no title or release date for
the game yet.

This was shown at Spaceworld 2000, a year before the new
look was revealed.