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Videogame Source : Xbox

Jet Set Radio Future

Release: January 15, 2001

Last Updated on October 14, 2001.

Preview by miffo

The Dreamcast was great. Really, really great. The innovative titles Sega was juicing out just made in unique, in a good way. Jet Set Radio may be one of the more unique titles that really stand out, and it's definetly one of the best games for the system. I remember counting days to the Japanese release when I bought the import, and I played it to death. But...the Dreamcast is the past now, so can Smilebit keep it just as fun now that they've gone multi-platform?

Short answer: Yes.

I'll brief the stupid, er, uninformed readers what JSR is all about: No, it's not 2D. But it sure looks that way, doesn't it? The cel-shaded graphics are designed to give the characters a hand-drawn look but the animation flows seamlessly in the 3D world of Tokyoto. Getting past the new graphically approve, you'll feel overwhelled at how original the game is. Your goal is to mark your own territory in a world of gangs by spray painting marked walls on your jet-powered roller skates. It's easy at first, but soon you'll have to do this while dodging the law-enforcement officers (i.e. police) at the same time. It can get pretty crazy, but it's fun at the same time.

The Xbox controller being similar to the Dreamcast's, the controls should feel right at homefor a JSR veteran. You move with the joystick and can do a short turbo boost with another button. The biggest difference control-wise between the two games is the fact that the characters in Future move much faster than before, which makes for a much more enjoyable game. The city has been upgraded to push the to the edge of geometrical limits and it certainly pays off. The world is HUGE but is pulled off perfectly with the Xbox's power. And with your new speed, moving around is more fun than ever!

Another huge addition is a multiplayer feature that is sure to fill the space that several gamers felt in the original Jet Set (Grind in the US) Radio. Two opposite modes, versus and co-op, are planned for multiplayer and it sounds like it could be great if pulled of correctly. Having to work together would add a whole new dimension to the game, not to mention the fact that it's planned to go online.

With better graphics, bigger levels, and a mess of new tricks, this should be high on your want list. I only hope they don't ruin the soundtrack *coughDragulacough* but I'm sure it will be great. An early 2002 release is planned, so don't miss it!

Screenshots are coming soon!

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